Friday, February 16, 2024

SFTS Lodge Interviews Nicola Amadora, Author of "Love Unleashed: How to Rise in A World on Edge"

 SFTS Lodge Interviews Nicola Amadora, Author of "Love Unleashed: How to Rise in A World on Edge"

[NOTE: This is the first in a series of author interviews we will be posting on our YouTube Channel (@SFTSLodge4800), Facebook page (sfts.lodge) & of course here at Enjoy! #NoReligionHigherThanTruth #NoPowerGreaterThanLove - Theosophical Society of San Francisco]

In this interview, Richard Power speaks with Nicola Amadora about her recently published book, "Love Unleashed: How to Rise in A World on Edge." Their conversation explores Amadora's own mystical journey, & highlights both the path of Mary Magdalene & the ascendancy of the Feminine in our time. For more on "Love Unleashed" & Amadora's work, visit


Sacred activism and the great turning: Tears are flowing today. Glaciers are melting faster than ever, the Amazon is burning up by the minute, black people are beaten on the street, and children are used in brothels... You know what I am speaking about. When the Titanic hit the iceberg and began sinking, they pretended all was fine. When Hitler took the Jews into the gas chambers, they looked the other way. Who are they today? In each of us is denial, a defense to survive overwhelming situations. But some stay stuck in it and it destroys us. Spirituality divorced from life on earth is a bypass. And ignorance isn’t bliss, it is our downfall. Yet, not all is lost and bleak. A great turning is emerging and life itself is rising up through many of us. A roar, fierce and wild, “Wake Up!” is shaking us. Not very polite… I guess “the great mother” has just had enough. Time to ring the bells, go to the streets, whatever love compels us to––don’t hold back––live it now, my friends. Sleepy time is nice, but when the tidal wave arrives–– the consequences of our actions––better to show up to give a hand. The time is now and it is up to each of us. For the love of all beings and all of our sakes, rise up. Spirituality has often been used as a bypass to not take action in our world. But to become a bliss-addicted, disengaged couch potato is not what spirituality is about. On the other hand, activists without a practice of the heart and rooted in the nature of impermanence are fueled by anger whilst fighting against injustice. They end up exhausted, bitter. There is a different way. In sacred activism we root in the wealth of love, cultivate compassion and ignite passion to take liberating action for a worthy cause in our world. My most serious question to people is: What do you stand for? What is your life for? Inquire openly, go deep, and be honest with yourself. And when the knowing from your soul emerges, act on it in the most immediate and simple way. Sacred activism means rooting in what is sacred and taking wise action for change. We drop down into our being and from here we let the force of love move us. We meditate to rest and gain nourishment, insight and strength so we can stand up in the world, even when the whole tsunami of human conditioning hits us in the face …